Sunday, May 25, 2008

String Art

For the last few days my students have been working on a string art project. It's very complicated and I don't want to bore anyone with the mathematical logistics, but let's just say that most adults probably can't tell you how to find the central angle of a circle, much less use angles of a circle to create a polygon! :) So if that confused you just a little bit, put yourself in 7th grade...way hard for them. ANYWAY...they did it. Some of them are still working on their projects, but I've seen the beginning of them all and they are going to be great. Here are just a few...I couldn't load them all at once. Aren't these GREAT?!?!?!?!?!


Kim Eckhardt said...

Robin, those are way cool. Shane was talking about finding the center of a circle with string a few days ago. I wonder if this is what they were doing. I'll have to ask him. This looks exactly like something that he would like to do. Does that tell you anything about him? :)

Teacher in the middle said...

Caleb is into the same thing! I know it's hard to believe that our third graders are doing that...

Unknown said...

Awesome! I LOVE string art. You might check out this site for more geometric string art. It's really cool that your students are able to make this stuff. I know i have a bit of trouble with it myself.